Advocates for Empowerment (A4E) is a gender parity and equality benchmarking program offered annually by the Society of Women Engineers.

Main Objectives:

Provide organizations with actionable information and assistance to recruit and retain diverse women in engineering and technology positions as well as advance them into top management.

Determine best and promising practices to achieve and maintain parity and equality in the workforce.

Assess how diverse women in engineering and technology positions are doing in the workforce.

Identify areas for more in-depth research on diverse women in engineering and technology.

Why Participate

Promotion of your organization as a workplace that cares about supporting and advancing diverse women in engineering and technology.

  • Receive validation that your organization is strategically focused on addressing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, from the world’s largest association of women engineers.
  • Increase recruitment and retention of diverse women in engineering and technology.

Actionable performance information to make your workplace better for diverse women in engineering and technology and achieve parity and equality.

  • Assess performance over time and against other organizations with meaningful metrics and benchmarks.
  • Drive best and leading programs, policies and practices and targeted interventions.
  • Continuously improve your performance.

Brand awareness that shows that your organization cares about and values diversity in engineering and technology.

  • Demonstrate your commitment to transparency, achieving parity and equality, and being an employer of choice.
  • Showcase your strategy and progress.
  • Make it a key part of your marketing strategy.