
There are 7 steps to participant in SWE A4E 2025:

Determine if your organization meets the eligibility requirements:

  • Privately held or publicly traded company in any industry.
  • For-profit.
  • Headquartered in the U.S. (or a significant U.S.-based workforce)
  • Full-time U.S.-based employees:
    • 150 or more employees in total.
    • 25 or more women employees in engineering positions at each level below Executive (Senior Level, Mid-level, Professional)
    • 25 or more women employees in technology positions at each level below Executive (Senior Level, Mid-level, Professional)

Register your organization online. Your organization will be required to provide a signed SWE A4E Non-Disclosure Agreement. 

Select a SWE A4E participant package and pay any associated fees. There are two options to deliver the level of performance results, analysis and recognition that is best for your organization:

  • Basic Package
  • Premium Package

Gather your organization’s data. Download SWE A4E Participant Instructions for key definitions and to map your organization’s job codes to the specified workforce levels and positions.

Enter your organization’s data into the online application. You will receive an email from SWE A4E with the link to the online application once your eligibility is confirmed and the SWE A4E Non-Disclosure Agreement has been signed.

Be sure to review the data in your online application before submission. All required data must be provided for your organization to be eligible for recognition as an A4E Participating Organization.

Finalize and submit your organization’s application. You can submit your application at any time, but your application must be submitted by August 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time to be recognized as an A4E Champion at SWE’s Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA in October 2025.