SWE A4E best employers for diverse women in engineering and technology are recognized annually at one of three award levels based on their overall score on the application:
Because SWE A4E is focused on providing positive recognition to effect change, recognized companies will be listed alphabetically (not ranked) and the names of companies that do not meet the requirements for recognition will be kept confidential. The SWE A4E list of best employers will be publicly announced and promoted in news releases to the national press and to SWE’s 40,000+ members and stakeholders through its multiple media outlets, including:
- SWE’s All Together blog
- Twitter (@SWETalk)
- SWE Magazine
SWE A4E best employers will also receive a digital award logo to further promote their recognition, and be acknowledged at two SWE events:
- SWE A4E 2022 conference and awards dinner in Chicago, IL in the spring of 2022.
- WE Annual Conference in the fall of 2022 with a nametag ribbon and career booth signage.
Companies may purchase additional opportunities to promote their recognition, including a company profile on SWE’s Career Center. The profile will link to their name on the list of best employers and provide information on the company as well as link to their SWE job postings. The career booth and job postings are both sold separately.
SWE A4E offers three participation packages to deliver the level of performance results, analysis, and recognition that is best for your company. Learn more about the package levels and associated benefits here.